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Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Make it count

Becoming a superhuman is not difficult. You just need to learn the right things with a lot of approaches, actually a multidisciplinary way.
Question: Why are Kardashians so popular?
Answer/Speculation: Kardashians are originally black. Now you may say I’m being a racist. But guess what these Kardashians have more to them than meets the eye. They are seen as sort of beauty queens and sex symbols in 21st century. But the thing is, not only are they smart, physically fit but good in every way. I don’t know about the happiness part, but yeah they’ve got love, they’ve got wealth and yes happiness too. It definitely takes a lot of hard work and research on their part. These girls saw a strength and amplified it through intersection of multiple disciplines. So its fashion, fitness, media and social media and amplified it with their Television career. Now not every women could be Kylie Jenner but they don’t have to. Every human has got their particular strengths and I’m not endorsing/opposing a belief.
There are interviews about them in which the interviewer says something like, “Khloe you don’t have any talent, can you press clothes(what?)?”, Khloe: “No, I cannot” like these interviewers ask these trivial questions to the Kardashians?!
Well, If you’re one of those people who let other people take the credit on purpose and play the longer game and you are not the most loved person in the room but keep in mind If you’re careful of your social circle you’re gonna eliminate 90% of negative emotions. Let me give you an example. In the movie Wonder Woman, Diana(the princess), was not entirely the most loved person but she also didn’t want to be hated. But guess what she knew she had to get rid of her social circle, even if it means she has to leave the all-women island forever. Guess what she meets Captain Trevor and because she surrounds herself with smart, driven and ambitious people, with Steve’s help and his minions, she does incredible things. Change starts with awareness. She definitely knew something was wrong, surrounded herself with the people who were the real deals, the people who were intensely passionate about this mission as her. Their incentives were right. The result being that crisis triggered change. In his book The Startup Way, Eric Ries(@ericries) recognizes there are two ways change is triggered:
  1. A Crisis
  2. Hypergrowth
These two events catalyze change and make it possible on places where its more necessary. But as Micheal Jackson would say, It all starts with the “Man In The Mirror”. You have to take account of your relationships, your social circle, your body and your wealth etc. everything beforehand. If you’re a student, it starts with taking an account of education and asking Are you really honest with yourself or the degree you took is just something you’re doing because you want to compete or that it’s a 4-year party?
I mention first Kardashians because those girls moved from a place of low odds of success to higher odds of success. I think that’s pretty amazing metaphor. You should move from a place of low odds to high odds. Take account of everything right today. Your job, Your relationships, your circle and most importantly your health. Also take account of what you do on internet. Do you mindlessly scroll that inbox or never get satisfied on your never-ending Facebook feed. Take account of your time. How do you spend your time? Do you listen to audiobooks, do you read books or party at Sunday?
Go for that dream you aim for. Whether you want to be a programmer or an athlete or whatever. Start asking for help. Get mentors. And remember right support from the right people at the right time can change your life. That’s certainly true that nothing will change with inaction. Much better to get it roughly right than to be precisely wrong.
You are the average of five most people you spend your time with.

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