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Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Tribute to the Wonder Woman and some parting thoughts.

Saying no often requires courage. Often the most knowledgeable is the most courageous. The person who acquires worldly wisdom and adjusts his behavior accordingly gets a temporary unpopularity in his peer group often needs to break up from those people.
I like asking these questions, when it comes to saying no on difficult situations
In the midst of overwhelm, is life not showing me exactly what to subtract?
Even If I do subtract that(defined above), what do I have to lose, how does that compare to the advantages or gains I will get as a result of subtracting that and making that decision? How much temporary or permanent the loss would be? and even in worst-case scenario how can reverse the situation?
Oftentimes, we need to get rid of our judgement of other people, not our rude bosses or colleagues we hate. Its not fault in them, it’s fault in our judgement. If you have just one hammer through your life, then every problem pretty much looks like nail. In other words, if you only have one perspective, one point-of-view throughout your whole life, I fear if you really died happy. I know one guy who acted very pious to distract other people from his past deeds, and the inevitable happened when he pulled his next move: a fraud. I don’t know details and do not want to litter this article so I’ll leave it here.
For Example recently I talked to a guy on Quora and he said fiction is a waste of time(in comparison to non-fiction books). I don’t totally agree with him. I feel shameful I never touched the video game Dragon Age:Inquisition for years feeling discomfort from the fact the game was fictional without realizing the potential, the art and the deepness of such piece of art. I don’t watch much marvel movies, but I really liked Wonder Woman. Here’s what I learned from her, often times you have to ask, “How can I become less competitive in order I become more successful?” in other words sometimes you have to say no when it matters the most. Secondly, don’t be afraid to love people when everyone else rejects. She as a consequence of her close relation and close work fell in love with Captain Trevor, she also learned to love humans and at the end she could have forgiven the St. Patrick(The God of War) but the guy won’t back off. It was clearly something against her conscience. People often forget that being a superhero doesn’t take much. It just takes some set of difficult-sounding questions and a little bit of vulnerability and discomfort. For 90% of people I have met, believe me they shared the same thoughts about fiction. Strange I changed my thoughts and now I’m ridiculing my old self(the self-criticism, Ja?). I think we all have to learn something from every piece of art from every genre. It pays to take and learn Big Ideas from the Big Disciplines.

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