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Wednesday, 16 May 2018

World is not perfect. A praise for Bill Gates, to his Productivity, for his Habits.

Source: Frederic Stevens | Getty Images
The world is not perfect. Want a quote from Bill Gates?
Quote: Life is unfair. Get used to it.
If the best of the best in the world shows this humbleness, admiration for an imperfect world then I think we all should be careful as to who we associate ourselves with.
All are the lies to study and work hard and get a job for a steady paycheck. It’s just a fantasy plan. The thing is your parents use something called social reinforcement to get you to bust your balls your whole life against this system and still be not satisfied with your achievements.
Relatively, humans, though hardly effective with their actions, strive for a perfect image in their circles. Got smokers in your circle? your brain automatically turns to thinking if there’s only one way of not appearing “bad” and inconsistent to my friends is that I should rather do fit in and then through my actions show off to other innocent souls that I may at least rest assured knowing I’m not alone. When I was a mere 6-year-old they used to teach us values; Do Not Abuse, Do Not Lie, Do Not Look Down upon others etc. among others. Unless we’ve formed it our habit about not engaging with 20% of people causing 80% of negative emotions in our life, we can become slowed- down smoker.
Humans are complex creatures. To get rid of your old habits naturally takes more than “Smoking Kills” messages and advertisements. Naturally, when two arriving signals conflict our brain; the one mirrored by our friends is the right path for us. Humans seem to be imitators. So naturally smokers will remain smokers, those who are not smokers will not, so it’s a perfect win-win.
For me, mourning routines are important. If you haven’t built morning routines, you can get sucked into Drugs. For Example, The retired Navy SEAL Jocko Willink(@jockowillink) wakes up early and does his workout and one of the admiring things, in my opinion personally, alcohol is not in his drinking list. Borrow field-tested beliefs/habits in such a manner as to test what works for personal use. People, especially successful and famous ones, have a shared DNA. Imitating Steve Jobs, the creator of Pixar(the next Steve Jobs will not create Pixar), if you read the autobiography of Walt Disney, Benjamin Franklin and Charles Munger, the business partner of billionaire investor Warren Buffet, you can borrow common routines/habits and use the right mix for yourself.

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