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Friday, 18 May 2018

In Pakistan, nothing like this is new…

I, who never did fishing in 17 years of his life, touched the water for two times exceptionally in just a single swimming pool in life which thinking back was some 10 years before by 2008. Being committed to join a tour towards Abbottabad, KPK, Pakistan for a new exposure was no different than my other plans which meant the time I was about to leave home, my dad postponed the plan and “ordered” me to stop in terms of holding me back. Interestingly, I called organizer at 12:00, “Trip is cancelled for no reason at all. No Questions asked.” Nature witnesses, I’m the wimpy kid personally rather than the trap I’m caught in?! What a regrettable situation…
Would you analyze the decorated representation of my life you’d know like all cultures, the Muslims have their festival called “Eid”. If you ever seen China celebrations of New Year, everything is similar except some differences. I, along with my peers, await some measly $20 as an “Eidi”. Then we the stupid kids spend that money on Ice creams and stupid stuff.
I know one thing about fishing and that is Gill net. It’s the survivalist’s best friend. It provides a lot of leverage. But here’s the question, would you give someone a fish for a day or teach him to fish so you give him food for a lifetime? I doubt you will answer the former as would I.
If you have ever seen the movie Forrest Gump, that guy with the help of his partner caught Shrimps and sold them. But he seemed to be a very compressed kind of person at start. At the point he retires and becomes independent is when his life changes. In fact his mother dies. But one person doesn’t change and that was his wife. I believe he was too hesitant to teach his own values to her. By the way, it’s a normal thing in a country like Pakistan. You are smart and accomplished and your brother dies at 40 of a horrible disease. Why? same story.

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